Where we brew

We've started brewing our own beer at Barleycorn's Craft Brew in Natick, MA. It takes two hours to brew six cases of beer, and two weeks later we go back and bottle the carbonated and conditioned results. The best part - no cleanup!

Batch #1: Oatmeal Snout Stout (Barleycorn's "Oatmeal Stout")

September, 2005. Not a bad first attempt. A nice creamy head, but a little undercarbonated and certainly not as thick as a Guinness!

Oatmeal Snout Stout beer label

Batch #2: Bushytail Pail Ale (Barleycorn's Sierra Madre Pale Ale - a Sierra Nevada clone)

January, 2006. Perfect. Clean taste, strong hop aroma. We drank it side by side with Sierra Nevada, and the only difference was in the feel of the carbonation.

Bushytail Pale Ale beer label

Batch #3: Wish We Were Here Belgian Beer (Barleycorn's Belgian Saison)

May, 2006. Our plans to go to Europe this summer didn't quite happen. This beer is as close to Belgium as we may get.

Wish We Were Here beer label

Batch #4: Take a Chill Pils (Barleycorn's Czech Pilsner)

July, 2006. Supposed to be a refreshing summer beer. Ours had a harsh hops flavor and some sourness that increased with time, and the final two cases were undrinkable. "May cause noxiousness"

Take a Chill Pils beer label

Batch #5: Ducktollerfest Spotten and Ducktollerfest Original (Barleycorn's Sedlmayer Oktoberfest and Oktoberfest)

Oct, 2006. We found out that Teddy is a Duck Tolling Retriever. Brewed in his honor for our annual wedding Oktoberfest celebration.

Ducktollerfest Spotten beer label
Ducktollerfest Original beer label